Sunday, 9 September 2012

Examination inspiration

My last post was me promising you guys weekly updates from here on out. That was ages ago. Sorry.

You could say I've been busy and I will: I've been busy. there was a play. I was a german doctor who enjoyed poisons. We did fantastically: three standing ovations over three nights of production, sold out our theatre, got one of the cast grounded at the raucous afterparty. It was intense, seriously. Really. I've discovered that I have a theatre jacket. It's a manky brown suede thing, manky because it's suede and drycleaners are scared. I've worn it in house plays, school plays and drama club plays. Any play I've been in since I got it has featured that jacket. in fact the jacket the painting of me is wearing in my profile button thingy is based on it. When I went to an art course I was called a hobo because of it.

Now I've been drawing a lot lately. my thick sketchbook is full now and i've resorted to carrying around a ream of paper to draw on. i'm still planning characters, plots and settings for my comic which will be entitled stranger or oddity or something like that. It stars Finn and Jeffrey and Zachary who travel from world to world in the multiverse in their portable house, number nineteen. Maybe I'll work that into the title, i don't know. There's also a raptor called steven and a greasy looking high school mind rebel and I delve into the five elements and human being's selective vision - an evolutionary trait. It'll probably be a webcomic and I'll start posting sometime next year (or perhaps december, probably december) It all depends on when I can get my hands on an A3 scanner really.

Here is a portion of the first page. (only a portion because I don't have an A3 scanner and the speech bubbles not full of speech because I just haven't inked it yet. It's just to give you an idea really

Characters: (from left) Zachary, Finn and Jeffrey.

Suppression is wonderful inspiration

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