Thursday 2 August 2012

Something wicked that way goes

The ending has left, disappeared. This is too similar to be a new beginning, too plain to be a revival. I am merely resuming the blog. It's as if I pressed stop only once on the DVD of this page and now I shall simply hit play and the movie will resume at the scene it was at as if nothing ever happened.

And I'm not spamming on Facebook anymore. Maybe I'll send out a broadcast to no-one, beaming a message into space for any alien ears to pick up or maybe one of my old readers will rediscover the thing and tell their friends. Maybe, maybe, maybe. This picture is in my rapidly filling sketchbook. Look at it.

The blog will be a weekly weekendy thing now. The posts will be as random and varied as usual and will now feature pictures. Most of these will be non-sequitter