Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Words words words

words words. They're a visceral scream, a sonnet, a love poem, a declaration of war, a lonely cry for peace. They're code, they're secrets, they're truth, they're lies; they're the reason we exist as a species.
They're knowledge, they're power and knowledge is power and death is a thing we all know.
Words are priceless, talk is cheap. A secret claws right at your chest.
A word is a monster, a word is a beast, a word is beauty is my muse is a beautiful young woman waiting for her prince. A word is a contradiction, they are pain, they are pleasure. They build societies and tear them down. Wars are fought with words. not bullets. Because even though a picture is worth a thousand words that picture is worthless without the words to support it. To hoist it in the air and wave it like a flag. Its words that brouyght us into this world, words that we carry around our necks to show people who we are.
It isnt punctuation punctuation is a policeman he brings sense to things gives meaning but destroys it too punctuation is the shackal that holds a verse to the floor that constrains it that doesnt let it fly and ignite and set the sky on fire
But it is neccessary. You need the belt to hold up your pants and big brother to keep you in check. Freedom hurts eventually. Freedom will tear at your flesh and slowly break you down, but so will entrapment.
Only entrapment uses chains of fire and shackals of ice. Entrapment pulls you to the floor and has you begging for its love before it drives its bitter boot into your face. Freedom won't do that to you. Freedom holds you in its loving, barbed embrace; singing you lullabies whilst you slowly decay.
Everyone dies, even Gods come to an end. Death stands on the horizon with a sickle and a notebook, waiting to rend your soul from your body.
We all die and so we must live. We must set ourselves free within our slavery. We must write, we must think, we must do what's right. We must do what's wrong. We must abandon all sense and reason and we must not let ourselves be watched.

Who watches the watchmen? No-one, thay're just a horror story.

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