Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Byeee we've left you NOTHING

Today the rest of my family left to go on holiday. I decided to stay behind because I have stuff to do - a play and an art course, more about those some other post - and I don't like the surfer's paradise where they're going that much anyway.

So they left. They got in the car with all their stuff and they left. They woke me up at 6 o' clock when they did this just to make 100 hundred per cent sure I wouldn't oversleep. That was a good idea actually but as a result I had 3 hours to do nothing before I finally went down to my art thing at 9.

It was amazing, though, I showered and watched some Eddie izzard and read a bit and did some drawing and facebook and such. It was the laziest morning I have ever had, I should do it more often.

But then my stomach started snarling at me and pulled me into the kitchen for food. "I'll make some eggs," I thought, "I'll have a peanut butter sandwhich, maybe some cereal." I walked over to the fridge, flung open the door and...
It was empty! Nothing, nada, niks, qanda, a vaccuum of food! I rooted around in the vegetable tray for a bit and found a dead apple or two. There was a bit of juice, true, but no milk, no jam, no cheese, nothing edible! Eventually I toasted a bit of bread and smeared it with the thinnest layer of letover peanut butter. It wasn't much but it did seem to last.

So yes, I can understand that you may need a fair amount of food on a twelve hour drive but please leave me some next time. I have a stomach too!

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