Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Street theater and James Bond

Today's blog will just be a stream of words flowing from my fingertips. It shall be an account of things I am thinking of, which are few and far between really.

Lets talk first about drama, lets talk about a play. I'm in a play; a school production. I'm not singing and I''m quite glad. I'll sing loudly in the streets but not on a stage, its the focus of a thousand audience members that puts me off I think. There are people who take the singing part very seriously though; take for instance the girl who buried her head in her friends shoulder, devastated by the tiny hiccup she had made in the first chorus of break even, or the other girl who asked the rest of the auditionees for a beat to help her with her song. Why are you so self-conscious people? Why can't you just act?

I personally believe that performance is about looking silly. I believe that you should make a fool of yourself in order to reach the next level. Guys wear a dress, girls where a mustache. Do something you think you can't and find yourself leaving the stage dumbstruck by your own performance. I randomly break out into monologues or scenes from movies.. It is the kind of acting I love to do, not just stage acting. That's why I was dumbfounded today when someone at the auditions told me it was imperative they got in. They claimed they needed it to fuel their need to act. I responded by doing a rendition of Eddy Izzard's the tyranny of ducks from his show Glorious and promptly walked away leaving them in a sate of deep confusion. Acting can and must happen everywhere. That is why I am taking my house play cast to a mall in full costume and character. It shall be the best absurdist mall trip ever.

This brings me to James Bond, more specifically Jeffrey Deaver's new Bond novel which is a little odd really. It is a bond novel set in modern times and once you get used to Bond's iPhone (modified by Q of course) and the fact that his E-type jaguar is a vintage it can be quite fun.

This is a lot like street theater in that it shows that something classic and well loved is appropriate in every circumstance. I'm pondering the idea of writing a steampunk Bond short story just to illustrate this point. James Bond's Heroics and womanizing is as appropriate now as it was in the sixties, perhaps even more so. In a world of scandals and raw sexuality where has this hero been? I am yet to read of Bond ordering his classic Martini but I am told that his most common drink is actually single malt whiskey so I guess that's alright.

So never feel like a fish out of water; the whole world is an ocean and whatever your gills are make sure you're getting enough oxygen.

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